Congratulations you've found the Donkey.
Churches in Brecon Nativity Trail
Thank you to Samalanah for taking part in the
Churches in Brecon Nativity Trail
Did you know there's not actually a donkey in the Nativity story! Lots of people think Mary might have travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey but it's not in any of the versions found in the Bible. The time we really do see Jesus riding on a donkey is when He rides into Jerusalem a week before He is crucified. So keep a watch out... maybe we'll do an Easter Hunt around Brecon! Let us know if you think you'd enjoy that... you can get in touch with Rev Emma on 07739 722842.
You might have done some hand painting, how about some painting with your feet?
Upload a photo of your finished craft to Kensington Baptist Church Facebook page #BreconNativityTrail or send it via email to we'd love to see the finished artwork.
Don't forget, once you've found all 19 characters, send your completed scoresheet in, to Kensington Baptist Church, LD3 9AY or email it to Include your name and a phone number so that we can get a prize to you. Have fun!